
Ladies necklaces futuristic flair -10k Yellow Gold U of Texas at El Paso Large Pendant Necklace
$ 190.18
$ 117.55

Ladies necklaces with ceramic accents -10k Yellow Gold Virginia Tech Large 'VT' Pendant Necklace
$ 188.40
$ 113.89

Ladies necklaces with velvet strands -10k Yellow Gold North Dakota Large Pendant Necklace
$ 186.52
$ 117.29

Ladies necklaces retro elegance -10k Yellow Gold Youngstown State Large Initial Y Necklace, 18 Inch
$ 168.00
$ 110.86

Ladies necklaces with etched initials -10k Yellow Gold Central Florida Large Pendant Necklace
$ 179.67
$ 119.00

Ladies necklaces pure sterling silver -10k Yellow Gold U of Colorado Large Buffalo Pendant Necklace
$ 195.07
$ 118.05

Ladies necklaces for chic ensembles -14k White Gold U of Nevada Las Vegas Large Pendant Necklace
$ 176.50
$ 110.42

Ladies necklaces bold elegance -14k White Gold U of Texas at El Paso Large Pendant Necklace
$ 185.91
$ 114.69

Ladies necklaces for dream chasers -14k White Gold Youngstown State Large Initial Y Necklace, 18 Inch
$ 185.23
$ 111.00

Ladies necklaces for lazy vibes -14k White Gold Virginia Tech Large 'VT' Pendant Necklace
$ 184.35
$ 110.11

Ladies necklaces for explorers -14k White Gold North Dakota Large Pendant Necklace
$ 181.19
$ 113.18

Ladies necklaces for chill days -10k Yellow Gold U of Louisville Large 'L' Pendant Necklace
$ 177.89
$ 115.26

Ladies necklaces with glow pendants -10k Yellow Gold U of Dayton Large Pendant Necklace
$ 190.54
$ 113.32

Ladies necklaces with ring pendants -10k Yellow Gold U of Kansas Large Jayhawk Pendant Necklace
$ 177.89
$ 118.52

Ladies necklaces with ruby jasper -10k Yellow Gold Air Force Academy Large Pendant Necklace
$ 177.47
$ 113.09

Ladies necklaces trendy strands -14k White Gold Central Florida Large Pendant Necklace
$ 174.12
$ 115.64

Ladies necklaces for journeys -10k Yellow Gold U of Georgia Large Disc Pendant Necklace
$ 185.99
$ 115.04

Ladies necklaces with dark tourmaline -14k White Gold U of Dayton Large Pendant Necklace
$ 190.06
$ 113.18

Ladies necklaces with prism charms -14k White Gold U of Houston Large Pendant Necklace
$ 184.26
$ 113.62

Ladies necklaces with gray shungite -10k Yellow Gold U of Illinois Large Initial I Pendant Necklace
$ 194.40
$ 118.31

Ladies necklaces for pioneers -14k White Gold U of Colorado Large Buffalo Pendant Necklace
$ 194.64
$ 119.31

Ladies necklaces with black jet -14k White Gold U of Louisville Large 'L' Pendant Necklace
$ 193.98
$ 116.07